Code Contributions
This guide assumes you are already familiar with our setup guide.
Development Workflow
Create a new branch for your code changes:
git checkout -b fix/your-fix-name # for bug fixes
# or
git checkout -b site/website-name # for new site scrapers
# or
git checkout -b feature/feature-name # for new features
After making your changes commit them:
git add -p # Review changes before adding them
git commit -m "meaningful commit message"
git push origin your-branch-name
Then create a Pull Request back to the main repository from your fork.
Development Guidelines
While we're working on comprehensive documentation, the codebase is designed to
be self-explanatory. As a developer, you can understand our patterns and expectations
by taking a look at existing scrapers in the recipe_scrapers/
Generator Tool
If you're adding a new site scraper, you can use our generator command to create a template:
: The name of your new scraper class (e.g.,BBCGoodFood
: A sample recipe URL from the target site. This will be saved intest_data/
for testing.